Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Psalm

Welcome once more, O High King, to the world.
Welcome to suffering and sorrow, to cold and poverty.
Welcome to exclusion and harrowing grief.
Welcome into the battle for the Kingdom.

Teach us the art of peaceful war.
Lord of all creation,
Teach us to be the deepest peace of all,
The peace you give us.

Teach us to live without fear,
Walking lightly upon the earth,
Teach us to give ourselves away
To all in need.

Teach us to laugh at ourselves and our foibles.
Teach us to dance with the joy we own
As children of the Light,
As your beloved daughters and sons.

Teach us to recognize you
In all our brothers and sisters.
Teach us to be tender and kind with one another
As you are with us.

Welcome to the world, dear Lord.
Live in us and love in us
Bring us to union with God
Help us change the world.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Father's Business

Isaiah says, “Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth! Break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones”

In this dark time, when powers and principalities oppress God’s suffering ones, Christians can rejoice indeed.  For we are blessed, as once more we await with great anticipation the birth of the One Who loves us.  Unlike Isaiah, we know that all time has changed forever; eternity has already begun, for Christ is coming again to us, who were without hope. 

Let us love and serve one another with such great peace and joy that those who see us will be stunned that we, who do not have all the power and wealth of the great ones of the world, are happy.  We, for whom enough is a feast, always have sufficient to share, even when the powers of the earth will not. 

Let us dance lightly upon our way, with song and laughter to mark our journey.  We are no longer alone.  Together we are building the Kingdom of God.  Come  my brothers and sisters, we must be about our Father’s business!