Monday, February 22, 2010


This year for Lent, I am working on spiritual formation - that is, we are directed to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind." To that end, I seek out scripture which reveals Jesus' stories about what God is like (as opposed to my old programming about a judgmental, partial and exclusive God), and meditate on them, and consider what my behavior must be if I am putting on the mind of Christ, and living in the Kingdom now.

I am sleeping better, having decided to retire in October. I have decided also to take a year before deciding whether to move back East or not. I would dislike not being able to see my grandson and possible grandkids, and it might work out for me to live near my sister and her kids instead.

In any case, both moving and retiring are known stressors, and I am being kind to myself as much as I can, by not piling on the stress. There is always enough time to do God's will.

Happy Lent!

1 comment:

  1. My experience of God is personal, in that after 35 years of prayer and meditation I have been delivered from alcoholism and self-centeredness, and have experienced that God is all good all the time. My God is the God described by Jesus. A God who is all good - and bids me love my enemies and do good to them that hate me. What matters is that reflection of God which I experience as I live out my life in service to his people. I respect your religion very much. There are so many good Muslims, and they take good care of one another, unlike most groups of Christians. There is only one God - that is true. I am not a theologian, and have no interest in theolgical argument. But I would welcome a friendship with anyone who loves God.
