Wednesday, August 4, 2010

From the website "Louie, Louie"

One of the reasons why so many people have developed strong reservations about the peace movement is precisely that they do not see the peace they seek in the peacemakers themselves. Often what they see are fearful and angry people trying to convince others of the urgency of their protest. The tragedy is that peacemakers often reveal more of the demons they are fighting than of the peace they want to bring about.

"The words of Jesus go right to the heart of our struggle: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly" (Lk 6: 27-28). The more I reflect on these words, the more I consider them to be the test for peacemakers. What my enemies deserve is not my anger, rejection, resentment, or disdain, but my love. Spiritual guides throughout history have said that love for the enemy is the cornerstone of the message of Jesus and the core of holiness."

-- Henri J. M. Nouwen in “Peacework”

* * *
This is why I hesitate to participate in social justice activism these days. I have watched the peace movement become full of rage, full of "look at me, look at me," and full of seekers after a piece of the power pie.

These days I prefer to seek peace within myself and to help others find it one person at a time, through spirtual direction and being a good priest, a good nun.

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