Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is my spiritual condition?

When I was about 15 years old President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Not long after that, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the killing. Then, on live TV, Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Now, I loved Jack Kennedy with all my heart. And at the moment Ruby killed Oswald, I felt a fierce, wild gladness! The moment after that, I realized my own darkness - my own sinfulness.
I experienced that sinfulness last night again. A young gangster has been after my grandson for two years. Last night, that boy was murdered. For a moment, I was so glad! And then I began to weep. That young man never had anything but a brutal, savage and very short life. I am still gratefl that my grandson is now safe. But I am so sad that anyone has to live such a horrible life as that young man. Pray for David Wilson, now, I hope, at peace.

It also made me realize at a very deep level that my salvation is moment to moment, contingent up on my spiritual condition. Shelter me oh God! Hide me in the shadow of your wings. You alone are my hope!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Aunt Patti I am also unfortunately glad that that boy was killed. I think it's totally natural to be glad about that, in a human nature way, but you're right that it is tragic that he lived the life he did. I am so glad that Noel is safe though. It's weird when you're glad to hear such tragic news huh?
