Friday, July 26, 2013

Spiritual Progres

How do we make spiritual progress?  Having practiced the principles of AA for over 35 years, I would answer that we must remain honest, open and willing.  We must practice daily self-examination (inventory), pray (talk to the God of our understanding) and meditate (listen to our God). I pray for knowledge of God's will for me and the power to carry it out.  Usually God's will is, do the next thing.  We must remember that we don't achieve enlightenment alone...we only get to keep what we give away. 

I have been thinking about this because of an acquaintance who is more or less stuck spiritually because of an inability to be honest within herself.  AA teaches that such people are not at fault; that they seem to have been born that way.  Nevertheless, such people can become like a practicing alcoholic -- a whirlwind crashing into all the people, places and things around them beyond what others are willing or able to endure. 

I have been praying about her and realizing I have to put her in God's hands.  I have to pray for her and let her go.  It would be egotistic of me to think I can "save" her.

If people don't want what we have (which ought to be, inter alia, the peace of Christ), we have to "refund their misery" and move on.  I seem to have to learn this lesson over and over.  And I sense that God smiles and says, "Welcome to the human race."

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