Saturday, August 10, 2013

A guest post today from Rev. Dolly Ryan

Is God…
Recently, I received an e-ad with the subject line: “Is God Anti-Gay?”  The words slapped me in the face, poured ice cold water down my spine, and caused me to start scurrying through my mental Bible in search of my own security against the torrents of prejudices.  I wasn’t “stuck” where many might suspect.  I am not dismissing the seriousness of acknowledging the error of discrimination based on sexual preferences.  But my reaction wasn’t to the word “gay”.  I barely noticed the word sitting there at the end of the sentence like a signal flag on a yacht which silently flaps in the wind hoping to catch attention.  I barely read the sentence at all.  I was stuck in my core by “IS GOD ‘ANTI’”!  It is almost as if God and “anti” should never be used in the same breath. 

Thus began my search for a scriptural “anti”.  Show me “anti” my mind echoed.  My brain’s search engine began looking for times when Jesus was anti-somebody.  According to the culture of his time, Jesus must have been anti-Roman?  Instead I found him greeting and praising the centurion who wanted his servant healed.  He eagerly healed the son of a royal official.  Well then, surely Jesus obeyed the Jewish tradition by being anti-gentiles? Again the answer was no.  He took a moment to speak with the Samaritan woman at the well and he accepted the criticism from the Canaanite woman who wanted the crumbs from his table of miracles for her daughter.  Maybe Jesus was like so many of us, maybe he hated mindless followers.  Yet he continued to teach his apostles even though he got frustrated when they repeatedly misunderstood his lessons. 

Perhaps he was anti-criminals and wrongdoers.  Yet, over and over again I discovered him in their midst; the woman caught in adultery who was positioned to be stoned and the paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof, to name two.  Possibly he was against strangers. Then I find the parable about the Good Samaritan.  My thoughts continue to search, did he think that women were inferior to men, a rather common idea. But I remember that although women were often not permitted in the same room with a gathering of men, he revered the woman who washed his feet.  Likewise, as he was preparing to die he worried about the women who were weeping and the welfare of his own mother. Also, the first person he chose to visit after his resurrection was a woman.  No, he was not anti-feminist.

Wait, I remember!  During his lifetime it was forbidden to associate with someone who was considered unclean.  So, Jesus must have been against anyone who was sick or dead.  However, he touched lepers and blind men; the woman who was hemorrhaging; the lady who was bent over in the temple; the man who was demon possessed. And wasn’t he the one who called Lazarus from the tomb?  I discovered he wasn’t even against those who were plotting to kill him.  He never even became anti-Judas who traded loyalty and friendship for pieces of silver.  Nor, was he opposed to those who caused his crucifixion.  As a matter of record, he begged that they be forgiven.  Try as I may, I can’t find a single case where Jesus was “anti” anyone.

So what did Jesus preach against?  He preached anti-hate.  He set the standards of socially acceptable behavior. I know that he was anti-hunger, anti-homeless, anti-judgmental, anti-callousness, anti-hate…  In other words, Jesus was anti-“anti-love”. He preached against pre-judging who God loves.  He warned us to stop telling God who he must reject.

I presume the authors of the book that the ad was promoting want to talk about gay issues.  I have no idea whether they are prompting a pro or con viewpoint but I am sure that they are implying that their stand is God’s stand.  I know that gay-issues are tremendously important: socially, politically and spiritually. I know so many people who have suffered from the prejudice generate by ugly misplaced fears and misinformation on the subject.  And there are so many, who for so long, have suffered terrible indignities.  I do not want any of you to misunderstand.  I do know this discrimination is wrong and that it continues to promote more hate.  I am not trying to downplay the significance of this issue.  But, what is disturbing to me in this moment are all the things upheld as wrong in the name of God.  If we listened to the Word of God we should be unable to endorse anything that did not love.  We would not fight the truth that everyone is loved by God and this should be enough for us.  But we focus on searching the Rule of Love hoping to find the flaw that will allow us our prejudices.

In conclusion, my answer to the question asked by the ad is God is not “anti-gay”.  Nor, is God anti anyone.  If we truly practice Christianity, we would not have labels that build fences.  We would offer dignity and respect to everyone. We would obey the command to Love one another and we would be tripping over each other trying to do this.

Talk to me.  Can you find an incident where God rejected someone? Is God anti-?  As the old hymn says:  If God is for us, who can be against?  Therefore let us stand with God by being pro-everyone.

May we always know the comfort of God who loves us unconditionally.  May we love our neighbor as our self.  And, may our prejudices be revealed, forgiven and healed. Amen.
Your forever servant,

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