bullies: I am too old to stand by
silently while anyone bullies anyone else.
I specifically refer to the way some men feel it incumbent upon
themselves to win every argument and be the smartest guy in the room by being
condescending and rude to women or to those who have less status or
education. Anger is my besetting sin,
but there is anger and there is speaking truth to self-appointed power!
I am also sick of
being told to grow up because some man can’t handle hearing the truth of how he
comes across. “It’s not about your
feelings,” is an inadequate response and a distancing, detached, arrogant thing
to say. One who says such a thing is
deliberately attempting to get away with less evolved behavior by appealing to
the stereotype of hysterical woman. It also changes the point of the discussion from what was being discussed to posturing.
If you want to
talk with me, we can even disagree, but not if you start
coming at me with delusions of superiority.
Not to mention the arrogance to assume that you know me and that I must have come from money…me! My Dad drove a
taxi. My Mom worked for a doctor as a
receptionist. Not a dollar between them
for college for us kids.
I worked my way through to a degree in my sixties
because I wanted to be a priest; believed I had been called to minister to
gangsters, prostitutes, drug addicts and other poor persons. I am going to go for a Master’s in Theology
and then a Ph.D. in Peace Studies. I
will pay for this out of my pittance of Social Security and do without
vacations and new clothes and trips to visit my kids. And if I don’t live that long, so what? I don’t base my self-worth on my education. I don’t denigrate it, but my real legacy is
in the people I’ve helped over the years.
Thanks for letting
me rant. Whew! Now I feel better.